Another year, another media frenzy. With reports that the island has yet more restrictions on alcohol.
We’ve lost count of how many times we’ve seen this now.
It all started back in 2020, when a new ‘law’ was passed, that prohibited guests in all inclusive hotels from consuming more than 6 alcoholic drinks a day.
This was specifically designated to the west end in San Antonio.
Although, as a lot of media outlets like to do, they have twisted the narrative. Failing to mention the exact location of where it actually applies to.
Many of these outlets stated it was San Antonio as a whole.
Whilst others even just referred to ‘Ibiza‘ as a whole.
A very minimal amount of them mentioned that there are no all inclusive hotels in the West End anyway. That means this rule does not apply anywhere on the island.
San Antonio has a number of all inclusive hotels. All of which aren’t affected by this.
Many people believe that this is indeed in-place here, but it’s not. Because it doesn’t apply to any hotel here.
It really is that simple. And it’s something which should be absolutely transparent.
Unfortunately it’s not.
The second rule doing the rounds online is that San Antonio (or again, Ibiza as a whole) has a ban on alcohol after 10pm.
This insinuates that all restaurants, bars and clubs in the area won’t allow you to have a drink that contains alcohol after that time.

San Antonio
If you think this is correct, then we can very confidently say that it’s not.
The ban only refers to the sale of alcohol in shops to anyone after 10pm. Where as last year it was 9.30pm.
It’s simply to curb people drinking in the street, and disturbing locals and businesses.
Ibiza isn’t the only place in the world that has a curfew in shops. It’s really not a big deal.
If you come to the island to drink in the streets every night and make unnecessary noise, then you’re not doing Ibiza properly.
Don’t bee fooled by the false, or misleading headlines from the press, or from certain tour operators.
Once again, there are no AI hotels within the specific zone mentioned, for the 6 drink rule. And any all inclusive hotel on the island isn’t affected. San Antonio or otherwise.
And the 10pm rule only applies to shops.
These rules also don’t apply to boats, beaches or organised outdoor events either.
So, with that said, if you were having doubts about visiting due to everything you’ve seen recently. There really is no need.
See you soon!
Written by Alexandra Ellis
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